Free software development - community and technology

An introduction to free software development, for those interested in participating.

Petter Reinholdtsen
IFI/UiO, 2009-09-24

Who am I

Free Software - user freedom

Richard M. Stallmann, FSF

Getting involved and helping out

So, you found a nice project on Freshmeat, and want to help improve it...

Reporting bugs

This software suck. A lot!

an example

Submitting patches

Fixing the problem is only half the work.

Learn to use the available tools

There are heaps of useful tools to make the development work easier and safer as well as to increase the quality.

Examples include

Joining a free software project

Starting a free software project

I got this idea for a piece of software...

This software suck. A lot! - Do not take it personally.

Use the best free development tools available

Running a successful free software project I

Running a successful free software project II

As the project grows larger

Leading by example is your only option.



Thank you very much
