Free software development for beginners

An introduction to free software development, for those interested in participating.

Petter Reinholdtsen
IFI/UiO, Forskningsparken rom 207 2004-04-27

Who am I

Free Software - user freedom

Richard M. Stallmann, FSF

Getting involved and helping out

So, you found a nice project on Freshmeat, and want to help improve it...

Reporting bugs

This software suck. A lot!

an example

Submitting patches

Fixing the problem is only half the work.

Joining a free software project

Starting a free software project

I got this idea for a piece of software...

This software suck. A lot! - Do not take it personally.

Use the best free development tools available

Running a successful free software project I

Running a successful free software project II

As the project grows larger

Leading by example is your only option.



Thank you very much
