Petter Reinholdtsen

More than 200 orphaned Debian packages moved to git, 216 to go
11th July 2024

In April, I started migrating orphaned Debian packages without any version control system listed in debian/control to git. This morning, my Debian QA page finally reached 200 QA packages migrated. In reality there are a few more, as the packages uploaded by someone else after my initial upload have disappeared from my QA uploads list. As I am running out of steam and will most likely focus on other parts of Debian moving forward, I hope someone else will find time to continue the migration to bring the number of orphaned packages without any version control system down to zero. Here is the updated recipe if someone want to help out.

To locate packages to work on, the following one-liner can be used:

PGPASSWORD="udd-mirror" psql --port=5432 \
  --username=udd-mirror udd -c "select source from sources \
   where release = 'sid' and (vcs_url ilike '' \
   OR vcs_browser ilike '' or vcs_url IS NULL \
   OR vcs_browser IS NULL) AND maintainer ilike '' \
   order by random() limit 10;"

Pick a random package from the list and run the latest edition of the script debian-snap-to-salsa with the package name as the argument to prepare a git repository with the existing packaging. This will download old Debian packages from Note that very recent uploads will not be included, so check out the package on Next, run gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new to verify that the package build as it should, and then visit and make sure there is not already a git repository for the package there. I also did git log -p debian/control and look for vcs entries to check if the package used to have a git repository on Alioth, and see if it can be a useful starting point moving forward. If all this check out, I created a new gitlab project below the Debian group on salsa, push the package source there and upload a new version. I tend to also ensure build hardening is enabled, if it prove to be easy, and check if I can easily fix any lintian issues or bug reports. If the process took more than 20 minutes, I dropped it and moved on to another package.

If I found patches in debian/patches/ that were not yet passed upstream, I would send an email to make sure upstream know about them. This has proved to be a valuable step, and caused several new releases for software that initially appeared abandoned. :)

As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

Tags: debian, english.

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