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Unstored Recursion

The Unstored Recursion algorithm's runtime is bound by tex2html_wrap_inline352 . This comes from solving the recurrence relationship of the recursive algorithm as follows. This recurrence is exactly the same as Stored Tree.


Is the recurrence relationship of Stored Tree.


Change of variable to n.







This shows that the running time is bound by tex2html_wrap_inline352 .


Below is a plot of the above data I collected on the running time of Unstored Recursion. These test were done on waldrog using the systems time command and reading off the real output. Plotted with the data points is the curve of tex2html_wrap_inline380 with k set to 1.5e-5. The plot's y axis is on a logarithmic base 3 scale to show finer detail.


The data points fix well on to the graph of tex2html_wrap_inline174 . Again there is some difference with small values of n because of start end end times not accounted for in tex2html_wrap_inline174 . Also this plot shows that Unstored Recursion is the fastest of the three algorithms and it doesn't take up as much space as Stored Tree. In fact the storage is limited to the recursive depth of the algorithm which is exactly equal to n.

Jamie Marconi
Thu May 23 20:07:44 PDT 1996